Monday, February 28, 2011


Ryan is starting soccer for the YMCA this week.  She is so excited and loves the "outfit" as she calls it, that she gets to wear.  She has a bunch of friends from church and school on her team.  They had their first practice this weekend and her games start on Saturday.  Her team consists of 9 3yr olds and Darin is coaching.  It should be very entertaining!  I took a couple of pictures on my phone during practice...

 Trying on her uniform

Ryan warming up

 Listening to Coach Daddy

Drew just started Gymboree and is loving it! It has been fun taking him because this is when I started with Ryan there.  We even have the same teacher.   He has been a little less interested in the songs and parachute stuff but loves all of the climbing, balls and slides.  

Dragging the balls with him


Little Gymbo

Drew has figured out how to push things around so he can climb on everything from the coffee table to Ryan's piano.  Left him alone for a minute and came back to this...

He also cut another tooth this week.  I guess he is taking teething into his own hands this time.

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