Thursday, June 16, 2011


We have been spending lots of time at the pool this summer.  Drew is a fish and has no fear of anything.  He jumps off the side and goes all the way underwater as many times as you will let him. He loves to walk up to every mom with snacks at the pool and gives them his cute smile while saying "please".  I think he thinks part of the reason we go to the pool is to eat.  Ryan is a lot more cautious and prefers for her face to stay out of the water.  She pretty much entertains herself in the kid pool while being the social butterfly.  Everyday she meets new friends to play with. 

We have also been going on walks and riding bikes in the mornings before it gets too hot.

Just  some random IPhone pics from the last couple of weeks.

Sno cones

 Waving to daddy in the mornings

Drew playing with his buddy Gavin

Drew with his obsessions right now- a hat and flip flops.
He also loves to wear sunglsses. 

Ry and Hank

Excited about the free cookies at Wal Mart

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