Orr Family Farm
Drew riding the merry-go-round for the first time without crying
Ryan hamming it up for daddy
Riding the pony...her favorite thing
Drew did great for his first pony ride
On the train
Enjoying the nice weather
Hanging out with Tripp
Drew the entertainer
So Drew has figured out on days that Ryan is in school and I am feeding Tripp he has about 15 min where he can do just about whatever he wants and I can't do much about it.
Here he got tons of toys out and spread them all over his room.
Here he climbed on the desk to get to the candy bowl..I got there just in time
Made him a PB and J and went to feed Tripp and came back to this
He loves the IPod
Drew has started to be interested in the potty. He has gone a few times but no consistency at all. He thought the sunglasses would help!
Ryan the artist
Enjoying the nice weather
Hanging out with Tripp
Drew the entertainer
So Drew has figured out on days that Ryan is in school and I am feeding Tripp he has about 15 min where he can do just about whatever he wants and I can't do much about it.
Here he got tons of toys out and spread them all over his room.
Here he climbed on the desk to get to the candy bowl..I got there just in time
He loves the IPod
Drew has started to be interested in the potty. He has gone a few times but no consistency at all. He thought the sunglasses would help!
Ryan the artist
Angelina Ballerina and Superman
Went to Krispy Kreme
Hanging out with daddy at lunch
Feeding the ducks with Addy